Thursday, November 06, 2008

Playing with Light..

Here are some cool pictures I took recently. The rainbow was great - I hopped off the bus and there it was. Mind you, the only way to get a shot of it was in the middle of the street, so I had to be careful. I like the shadows hitting the houses.. The 2nd picture is the afternoon sun hitting the wall in my living room. There's an old wine bottle in the window sill..
Next up, 2 pictures of the intersection at Yonge and Eglinton. It's nice that the moon and whatever star/satellite are visible in the 2nd picture. The last picture was taken just around the corner from my place.

For The Birds

It's been a beautiful week in Toronto, weather-wise, and especially so for November. I was at Nathan Phillips Square a few days ago (city hall), and took a few photos of the birds that were hanging out in the trees nearby. If anybody knows, they can feel free to enlighten me as to what kinds of birds these are..